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Who we are


HEALTH POLICY Integrative and Complementary Therapies Therapeutic treatments, based on traditional knowledge, which expand the offer of preventive health care. It consists of carrying out and thinking through the rationalization of health actions and, consequently, encouraging the reduction in the use of medicines and encouraging innovative, yet traditional, alternatives. In addition to acting on the body's health, they encourage actions related to social participation and responsible involvement, bringing numerous benefits to the human being and the environment in which he lives. Among the practices: Quick, Radiesthesia, Glow Frequency, Reiki and Chromotherapy, auriculotherapy, massotherapy, flower remedies, among others. Orientation Lectures With themes of relevance to users and their families, the lectures convey information about personal care, good hygiene practices, personal and community relationships, emotional care, among other topics that may be necessary. Habilitation and Rehabilitation With the aim of reducing disabilities, developing strengths and abilities, it seeks to assist in the coordination and mobility of users. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE POLICY Attention and Family It strengthens the bond between the person in charge and the person with a disability, identifying the reality of the families, organizing the referral flow to the other levels of care, when necessary. Welcoming and Active Listening Individualized and group assistance with welcome, in which the user will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary technical team, regarding needs, abilities and insertion possibilities. Self-Care Workshop and Operative Groups Individual or group activities that encourage autonomy and independence. Group intervention that enables cooperation and strengthening of bonds between users and family members. Among the workshops and operative groups, it offers Inclusive Dance, Conversation Circle, Cooking, Handicrafts, Birthdays and IT. SCSV - Coexistence and Bond Strengthening Service It consists of forming groups with users and caregivers to develop body awareness, creativity, communication and autonomy. The activities provide exchanges, learning, development of skills and competences for social inclusion, through workshops with intergenerational actions. Tours and commemorative dates Celebration of festive dates such as: Easter, Festa Junina, National and International Day of Persons with Disabilities and Christmas. Inclusive tour, involving users and family members.

The services are aimed at people with disabilities and their families, who are in a situation of social vulnerability.

People with Disabilities and their Families who are in a situation of social vulnerability, in the city of São José dos Campos-SP. The institution has no religious ties, nor any segregation of race or any other type. It is based on naturalistic philosophy. It maintains the purpose of welcoming and caring for children, adolescents, adults and their families.

Founded on November 5, 1991, by the union of people interested in taking a new look at disability, the institution believes in the most natural and humanized treatment of People with Disabilities, where the focus is on the “Person” and not on the 'Disability' .


How to help


Você pode nos ajudar! É simples, você não gasta nada e ainda participará dos sorteios mensais da Nota Fiscal Paulista.

  • Faça o seu cadastro no site:
  • Na aba entidades, selecione doação de cupons com CPF (automática)
  • Na opção pesquisar entidades, clicar por CNPJ: 65.045.734/0001-32
  • Clique em pesquisar. Selecione a SOCIEDADE HOÍSTICA HUMANITÁRIA
  • Selecione o 1º nome da Sociedade Holística Humanitária, clique em VOLTAR
  • No campo PERÍODO, selecione o tempo que deseja permanecer com a doação automática, clique em OK


Agência: 1070
CC: 026807-0


Agência: 2741
CP: 013.00002892-0


Agência: 6473
​CC: 00689-5


Agência: 3310
​CC: 13000431-9

CNPJ: 65.045.734/0001-32





Rosa Maria de Jesus Sánchez


Vagner Nery Machado

Diretor de Relações Sociais



Maria Cristina Brito Moreira de Oliveira

Área Social

Mara Silvia Rossi Korol

Área Social

Nayara Salgado Vinhosa

Área da Saúde

Yara Zaninoto

Área Administrativa

Priscila Nery Machado Saphá

Área Administrativa

Paulo Ricardo de Siqueira

Área Administrativa

Simone Fernandes Ferreira

Área Social

Luciana Santos Araújo

Área Administrativa

Fátima da Silva

Área Administrativa


Service providers

Rolf Schmidt Martini

Educador Social




Get in touch


Endereço: Rua Professor Gordiano de Faria Alvim Filho, 73 - Parque Residencial União
São José dos Campos - SP
Cep.: 12239-009



(12) 3942-3661

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